You can book a reverse order only when the order is delivered to the customer.

To book a reverse order please follow the following steps

Method 1

Step 1: Go to Orders

Step 2: Click on the Order ID of the order you want to create reverse order for

Step 3: Click on the Create Return button top right corner and then select the products for which you want to create a return order and then click on Return

You will get a message in the top right corner stating "Return Request Created"

Method 2

Step 1: Go to Orders

Step 2: Click on Reverse Pickups

Step 3: Click on the Create Reverse Order button and

Step 4:  Enter the details and then click on Submit

You will get a message in the top right corner stating "Return Request Created"

Tip: In Method 1 you can also add a quality check to the orders being returned, to do this simply check the box in front of QC Enabled and fill in the details in the popup and click on Return