Reverse pickup will happen post booking a reverse order and You can book a reverse order only when the order is delivered to the customer. 

To know how to book a reverse order click here.

Reverse pickup is completely based on booking a reverse order date / time.

- If you are booking a reverse order before 01:30 PM then the reverse order manifest will be generate & picked up on the same day by the courier partner.

Click on the AWB number to track the shipment:

- If you are booing a reverse order post 01:30 PM then the reverse order manifest will be generate & picked up on the next business day by the courier partner.

Live track

Note- If you booked a reverse order before 01:30 PM then please wait till EOD (End of the day) to the get the pickup done. If the shipment are not picked up then escalate this issue to us on next day through-

Via Freshdesk:  Click on New tab >>Select new ticket >> Fill the required information and click on Create bottom.

Via Email: Write a mail to support team at [email protected] 

Helpdesk Toll free number: +911114-1183-294, Our experts are available for your assistance 10:00 AM to 07:00 PM.